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Priority SitRep

4/24/24. I got things working again. I think. I hope. I pray. Email me if you find something messed up.

RB 5.0 Progress Update #3

The status indicator has not changed since last week. I have, however, made progress on several fronts.

When you start Roster Builder, it pings this website to check for the current versions of files. I have made several tables 'external' to the application, like the Gunnery/Pilot matrix to adjust the BV of units with 'buffed' pilots/crews. This allows me to keep you updated so I don't have to release an entire new version just to adjust the multiplier for a 1/6 pilot or whatever. These and others will be automatically updated during the startup process. I have to work out how I can upgrade the application. Still grokking on that process.

Also, if your computer doesn't have internet access (it can't ping), the app will not complain until you have done this several times in a row. That particular counter resets every time it can ping.

As far as the Alpha Strike PV is going, the word is "slow." I have to read and understand a couple paragraphs, then set it down and grok it for a day or two. SSW does the easy half of the work. It's very diffucult with all of this data and yet force it through a logic web ("You multiply this number with that number, except on alternate Tuesdays" thing).

The next function will be how to have your feedback sent to me via email from the app, so you don't have to open your email program.

The last and biggest bite will be the rosters themselves. While most of it is just adjusting the fields that it looks for when building the pool of units by the criteria you sent, there's more and different data to consider and process. Then I get to make and upload the new walk-thru videos. Then beta testing.

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Version 1 is here!

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